Choosing a First Snowboard


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When not busy with financial regulatory work, Braeden Anderson enjoys several sports, including snowboarding.

Choosing a snowboard can be intimidating for beginners. Most beginner snowboarders should start with a moderate to low-end board, as this reduces the cost and is often best for those who can only snowboard occasionally. While high-end boards can be flashy and impressive, entry-level snowboarders generally cannot tell the difference between low-end boards and expert boards.

Different types of boards have different uses. Those planning to go backcountry touring should use split boards, while those expecting deep, soft snow in their preferred snowboarding locales should find a powder board. Freeride boards enable considerable speed compared to other types. Finally, those who don’t know what they want out of a snowboard should choose an all mountain board, which will be passable for any of these tasks.

Finally, new snowboarders should make sure their boards are the appropriate size. The size of one’s boots and bindings dictates the optimal width of the board to some extent.

A Sample of Current Cryptocurrencies

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A graduate of the Juris Doctor program at Seton Hall University’s School of Law, Braeden Anderson has dedicated much of his career to the implications of financial technologies on the legal system. In addition to Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), regulation policies, and corporate law, Braeden Anderson holds expertise in cryptocurrencies.

There are hundreds of different cryptocurrencies on the market today. These include Bitcoin, which holds the largest share of the cryptocurrency market. A trendsetter in the space, Bitcoin launched in 2009 and trailblazed the use of peer-to-peer technology to facilitate transactions.

Outside of Bitcoin, Litecoin, which commenced in 2011, offers faster transaction confirmations and an open source global payment network. Ethereum, inaugurated in 2015, has become the second largest cryptocurrency, offering a decentralized software platform that enables coding, decentralization, security, and trading to take place. Alternatively, Ripple offers low-cost international payments via a global settlement network. Other recently launched cryptocurrencies include Zcash, which was introduced in 2016, and Monero and Dash, which both emerged in 2014.

SEC Launches Website to Warn Investors about Bogus Coin Offerings


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With a juris doctor from Seton Hall Law, Braeden Anderson is the only US-based advisory board member of, where he offers legal-compliance advice to cryptocurrency professionals. As part of his work, Braeden Anderson follows the actions of regulators in the cryptocurrency world such as the SEC.

In May 2018, the SEC created, a website touting a “hot” initial coin offering (ICO). The offering, though, is fake. The SEC created this website as an educational tool to teach investors just how easy it is to create and market a fake cryptocurrency investment scheme.

Investors who access the site are treated to several enticements that are used by fraudsters to lure unsuspecting victims. The website features vague, jargon-full descriptions of the opportunity, promises of high returns, and a countdown clock to remind investors that time is running out. Those who click “Buy Coins Now” are directed to an SEC educational page offering tips on how to invest securely.

The rapid growth of the ICO market has attracted many fraudsters. Through the website, the SEC hopes to prevent investors from being defrauded by educating them on the importance of performing research and due diligence before investing in an ICO.

Benefits of Algorithmic Trading

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Algorithmic Trading

A law clerk at Budd Larner, PC, and legal extern at FINRA, Braeden Anderson is working toward a law degree from Seton Hall University School of Law. Braeden Anderson maintains a strong interest in algorithmic trading.

Algorithmic trading has become popular because it:

Removes emotion. With algorithmic trading, all traders are made based on a specific set of criteria. This means there is no human emotion involved in the trading process, thus avoiding irrational decision-making.

Is fast. As a human, it takes time to look through all the indicators of whether or not a trade is a good idea. With algorithmic trading, this process is extremely fast. Computers can look through multiple indicators of a good trade and execute the trade much faster. Further, computers are capable of spotting indicators that humans may miss.

Can be backtested. Backtesting helps traders find the flaws in their trading systems. Unfortunately, most regular traders cannot run their systems on past data, so they are unable to backtest properly. Algorithmic trading systems can be run on past data, thus allowing users to remove flaws before running the system live.

Is Accurate. Computers have much smaller margins of error than human beings do. Computers are less likely to put in the wrong trade by accident, buy an incorrect amount, or get a wrong currency. This makes algorithmic trading much more accurate.